Computer Education Classes by FCE

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Programming Classes Link HomeUNIX/LINUX Classes

Python Programming

Course Summary

This course covers all you need to know to start writing Python Code. The course covers the syntax of the language, Data Structures, Program structure, writing functions, Input Output methods, Modules and Packages, as well as Objects and Error handling.


This course is targeted at experienced programmers needing to start working with Python. The course can be taught to new programmers by extending the time, or leaving the more advanced sections as overviews to be explored after the class, when the students are ready. The course can also be broken into two classes, intro and advanced.

Prerequisite Knowledge:

The more experienced the programmer, the more details the student will pick up during the class. The class assumes students are comfortable programming in some other high level language, but will get a non-programmer pointed in the right direction.

Terminal Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to: design, write, debug and test Python scripts.

Course Length:

3 Days with Lab time.

Course Outline:

  • Introduction
  • Numbers and Strings
  • Lists, Dictionaries and Tuples
  • Control Structures and Input Output Methods
  • Functions
  • Namespace and Scope
  • Modules and Packages
  • Overview of the Standard Library
  • Object techniques and Exception handling


Send any questions to fredm at this_domain

FAME Computer Education: 5614 Havre St. Corpus Christi, TX 78414: 956-459-(2000+476(-2))