Computer Education Classes by FCE

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Programming Classes Link HomeUNIX/LINUX Classes

Power UNIX Usage

Course Summary

UNIX has been called DOS with a college degree. The purpose of this course is to take you from the level of being able to do what you need to do in UNIX, to the level of accomplishing tasks simply and quickly, in an effecient manner. UNIX is a hackers paradise, and this course will give you the concepts of underlying principles, and familiarity with the tools needed to develop solutions to difficult problems.


UNIX users and administrators who have seen people invoke mysterious incantations on the command line, and would like develop incantations of their own.

Prerequisite Knowledge:

UNIX users who feel comfortable with most common UNIX commands, and have some exposure to shell scripting, through experienced users with areas of lacking knowledge.

Terminal Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course the student will be a more time efficient user.

Course Length:

2 Days with labs

Course Outline:

  • Overview of UNIX OS Concepts
  • Essential Shell Usage
  • The UNIX Shells, ttys, and terminals
  • Environment variables
  • Command line efficiency
  • Tips on History
  • Process controls
  • The power of find and xargs
  • Archives
  • File Manipulations

Send any questions to fredm at this_domain

FAME Computer Education: 5614 Havre St. Corpus Christi, TX 78414: 956-459-(2000+476(-2))